
I was gone for 3 days and came home to this:

When I went to Michigan last week to visit my family, I left Ryan with very few instructions.  I asked him to remember to feed Luna Bell and suggested it might be a good idea to run a load of laundry because, unbeknown to him, his boxers do not automatically appear in his drawer clean and folded.  He loves our cat beyond words so I knew she was going to be dining on wet cat food all weekend and I figured he’d realize his favorite boxers with little lobsters on them were in the dirty clothes hamper and eventually do some laundry.

I didn’t think to ask him to water the basil plant.

As you know, I have kept Basil alive for 7 weeks now.  Having killed 5 basil plants last summer, this is a HUGE success for me.  I love basil.  I’d live in a house made out of basil if I could.  I love caprese salad and pesto and throwing leaves into pretty much everything short of cereal (I have thought of that though).  When I got home on Sunday and saw that all of Basil’s little leaves were shriveled up and the dirt was as dry as the Sahara, I knew my days of walking to the window to pluck leaves for whatever I was cooking were over.  Ryan, bless his heart, ran to the sink and turned on the faucet in attempt to flood the plant back to life but it was no use.  Down the garbage shoot my precious little basil plant went.

I woke up this morning to a note from Ryan with exactly $2.49 laying on top of it.  “Have a great day, I love you and go buy another one–let’s see if we can keep the next one alive for 8 weeks.”

Best roommate ever.

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