Eat to the Beat

My friend and co-worker Rebecca invited me to see her dance in a lunchtime program called “Eat to the Beat” today.  In her email, she said that she sees us all every day but doesn’t feel people can really know her until they see her dance.  Umm, I get it now.  I was absolutely BLOWN away by her amazingness, how talented her company was and I am so happy to know that incredibly talented side of her now.

After another fabulous Yoga Booty Ballet class at Indigo Studio, I scooted over to the Harris Theatre with my lunch so I could literally eat to the beat.  I sat and I ate along with 300 other patrons of the arts as DanceWorks treated me to a phenomenal 45 minute performance.  Broken up into 3 dances, the show was so stylistically diverse that I was wildly entertained the entire time.   Modern and classical dance, mixed with great beats (one by Illinois Institute of Art student  Christopher Perricelli who snuck out of his midterms to see DanceWorks perform to his music) and even some comedy–the last piece, title “Dance Sport”, was a classical piece set to commentary, like figure skating or basketball, complete with instant replays and fast forwards!  “Eat to the Beat” was over much too soon, just like my lunch.  I must say, however, that I am looking forward to my next DanceWorks experience much more than my next almond-butter and jelly sandwich.

High Five of the Day: Rebecca.  Thank you so much for sharing this fantastic show with me!  You and your fellow dancers are incredible!

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