Shamrock Shuffle 2010

This past Sunday, I ran the Shamrock Shuffle, an 8k that starts in Grant Park and weaves its way around the loop.  The Shamrock Shuffle is the kick-off to running reason in Chicago and the annual rite of spring.  The “rite of spring” part I don’t believe because last year, it snowed on the day of the Shuffle and this year, it was 34 degrees.  In any case, Ryan and I dragged our behinds out of bed in time to get to the Blackstone Hotel to meet up with the Imerman Angel folks (the charity we were running for–check them out, it is an amazing organization) before heading to the start line for a brisk 5 mile run.  I snapped this pic a few seconds before the race began.

I was too cold to be nervous for running a distance I haven’t even come close to in nearly 6 months but I was pleasantly surprised to see that I still had it.  We made great time!  Ryan and I made a fun game out of weaving in and out of the crowd of 25,000 + people and before I knew it, I had 5 miles under my belt and a beer in my hand.  Ahhhh, running season in Chicago…

I kind of feel like signing up for the marathon wasn’t a terrible idea now.  I had so much fun on Sunday, despite the frigid temperature, that I think I want to run at least a 5k race every month leading up to the marathon to remind me of how fun it is to have my feet pounding the pavement with several thousand other people.  Plus, I’ll get a bunch of free shirts.

What are your recommendations? Any favorites that I NEED to sign up for?

High Five of the Day: Trader Joe’s Chocolatey Cat Cookies.  I am usually a sucker for the vegan, organic animal crackers but I veered of the path of security and tried the Chocolate Cat Cookies.  They are my favorite thing of the week and I can’t help but smile and feel like I’m 7 when I pull one out and see a little cat smiling back at me…before I chomp its head off.