Quiet Moment

I woke up before the sun did today.

Which is not really all that impressive since sunrise is around 7am these days but it is Sunday, after all.

With nothing to do and nowhere to go, I curled up with my favorite big, cushy blanket, a cup of my favorite tea and watched the most quiet Lake Michigan and Lakefront path I have ever seen.  Usually, there are tons of sailboats out, runners getting their jog on, bikers getting their pedal on and traffic for Luna Bell to watch on Lakeshore Drive.

This morning: quiet.

Still water, a lone jogger, a ball of fire slowly rising out of the lake.  Quiet in my apartment, quiet in the little world outside my window.

I know the rest of Chicago i s waking up right now too but, for now, I am relishing in my quiet moment.

Things I Am Loving: Fall Edition

Walking home from coffee with a good friend today,  I got to thinking about why I love this season so much.  In honor of the first official day of fall, I have comprised a list of Things I am Loving.  Happy Autumnal Equinox!

1. Republic of Tea’s Apple Cider Herbal Tea.  Ryan and I picked this up while waiting out a downpour at Crate and Barrel last Saturday.  I am loving waking up every morning and basically having Fall in a steaming hot mug.

2.  Affy Tapples.

Picked one of these bad boys up on the way home from work last night.  Reminds me so much of being a kid- you knew it was fall when Mama G. started buying these for treats.

3. Gossip Girl and Glee.

I pretty much Gleeked out as the season premiere of Glee began last night and Gossip Girl’s premiere last week was came just as Ryan and I had watched our last Season 3 dvd (Ryan loves him some Chuck Bass).  CANNOT wait for 1) Glee’s Britney episode and 2) for the creepy Juliet girl Nate is dating to go away.  So annoying.

4. College Football.  I sleep in a Michigan State t-shirt every night for good luck during football season.  We’re 3-0.  I like to think it helps.

5. Scarf and sweatshirt season.  This is that perfect, fleeting, blink-and-you’ll-miss-it time of year when you can wear scarves or a sweatshirt by itself and you’ll be perfectly snuggly and warm.  Fast forward 5 seconds and you’ll be craming said scarf and said sweatshirt underneath a parka due to frigid wind and snow.  Enjoy it while it lasts.

6. Soup making and bread baking.  Fall comfort food.  Heading to the Green City market this weekend to inspire some Saturday cooking.  Probably while wearing a scarf and/or sweatshirt.  See #5.

Check out Trib writer Mary Schmich’s article for fun fall facts.  Interesting stuff.

What are YOU loving about Fall this year?